Small Business Owner Account Types - IRA Club

Self-Directed Retirement Plans for You and Your Employees

Do you own a small business? Are you thinking about offering a retirement plan as part of your benefits package? A Self-Directed Retirement Plan can offer many advantages!

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Offering a self-directed retirement plan can benefit both employers and employees. For business owners, it’s a powerful benefit to attract and keep your best talent, gives tax advantages and reduces administrative tasks. It also helps meet state mandates requiring small businesses to provide retirement plans.


Employees can gain control over their investments, with the flexibility to explore options like real estate and private placements, potentially leading to higher returns. This autonomy allows for a greater sense of responsibility towards their financial future.


IRA Club can assist in selecting the ideal plan (e.g., SIMPLE IRA, SEP IRA, Solo 401(k), Safe Harbor 401(k) and we simplify the administrative process, allowing you to concentrate on your team’s needs.

Invest in your team’s future with a retirement plan that offers flexibility, control, and potential for growth. Give your employees the gift of a secure future. Let our services take the worry out of saving.

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Key Steps to Launch Your Plan

Establishing a Self-Directed Retirement Plan for Your Business

  • Determine Your Plan Type
    • For self-employed individuals, consider Solo 401(k) or SEP IRA.
    • For businesses with employees, Safe Harbor 401(k) or SIMPLE IRA are suitable options.
  • Choose Your Administrator
    • DIY management requires in-depth knowledge of regulations.
    • IRA Club/Proxy Financial offers comprehensive support, easing your administrative load.
  • Establish the Plan's Foundation
    • Draft a written plan document and trust agreement. Set up a recordkeeping system and inform employees about the plan and make sure they understand their rights and responsibilities.
Remember Each plan type has specific contribution limits and eligibility requirements. Choosing the right plan and administrator is crucial. Contact IRA Club to discuss your options.

Solo 401(k) vs. SEP IRA: High Limit Retirement Plans Designed for the Self-Employed

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Solo 401(k)

Ideal for high earners, allowing substantial contributions for you and your spouse. Offers investment flexibility and potential for tax-deductible and tax-deferred growth. Loan options and a Roth feature are available.

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Easy to manage with minimal paperwork. Allows for employer contributions with a lower maximum limit than Solo 401(k)s. The SECURE Act 2.0 introduced the Roth SEP IRA for tax-free retirement withdrawals.

Small Business Retirement Plans (5-199 employees)

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Safe Harbor 401(k)

Simplifies retirement savings, ensuring compliance with nondiscrimination tests. Offers guaranteed employer contributions and tax advantages.

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Suitable for businesses with up to 100 employees, offering a straightforward retirement savings mechanism with employer and employee contributions.

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Payroll Deduction IRA

Best for very small businesses (up to 12 employees), facilitating employee contributions through payroll deductions.

Administration Services Offered by IRA Club and Proxy Financial

Once the small business retirement plan is confirmed, IRA Club will assume certain responsibilities on behalf of the plan.

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Hassle-Free Administration

IRA Club manages recordkeeping, filings, and provides a Summary Plan Description (SPD) to participants, highlighting benefits like tax-advantaged contributions, optional employer contributions, and compounding tax-deferred earnings.

This guide simplifies the process of choosing and setting up a self-directed retirement plan, tailored to different business sizes and types, ensuring a secure financial future for you and your employees.

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Not every employee may be eligible for retirement plan participation due to factors like age, length of service, union agreements, or residency status. IRA Club/Proxy Financial ensures those eligible are well-informed and supported, streamlining the participation process.

Contribution Limits and Information

In all the types of plans we offer participants can contribute through salary deductions. You can decide how much your business contributes to employee accounts depending on the type of plan you choose.

Self Employed

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Plan Option

Solo 401(k)

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Employee Eligibility

Self and Spouse

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Contribution Limits (Employee)

Up to $23,000 + $7,500 Catch-up (age 50+)

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Employer Contribution Options

Up to 25% of employee compensation

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Plan Option


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Employee Eligibility

Self and Employees

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Contribution Limits (Employee)

N/A (employer contributions only)

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Employer Contribution Options

Up to 25% of employee compensation or $66,000 (whichever is less)

Small Business Owners
(2-199 employees)

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Plan Option

Safe Harbor 401(k)

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Employee Eligibility

All eligible employees

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Contribution Limits (Employee)

Up to $23,000 + $7,500 Catch-up (age 50+)

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Employer Contribution Options

100% match up to 3% + 50% match up to 5% of employee compensation (Basic) or custom match (Enhanced)

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Plan Option


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Employee Eligibility

All eligible employees

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Contribution Limits (Employee)

Up to $16,000 + $3,500 Catch-up (age 50+)

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Employer Contribution Options

Required: Match employee contributions up to 3% or contribute 2% of employee compensation

Any Business Size

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Plan Option

Payroll Deduction IRA

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Employee Eligibility

Any employee with earned income

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Contribution Limits (Employee)

Up to $7,000 + $1,000 Catch-up (age 50+)

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Employer Contribution Options

N/A (employee contributions only)


  • Self-employed contributions depend on net earnings.
  • SEP IRA contributions must be uniform for all eligible employees.
  • Contribution limits are subject to annual adjustments.

Plan Essentials

Typically, a plan includes a mix of rank-and-file employees and owners/managers. However, a SD retirement plan may exclude some employees if they:

Summary Plan Description

IRA Club provides essential documents like the Summary Plan Description (SPD), that include rights, responsibilities, and plan features. The SPD must include eligibility criteria, contribution details, vesting schedules, benefits access, and the process for claiming benefits, ensuring the transparency and compliance.

Stay Compliant, Stay Focused

IRA Club/Proxy Financial handles the plan reporting to the IRS, including the filing of forms:

Form 5500 Annual Return/Report of Employee Benefit Plans

Depending on the plan size, type and participant numbers, we will file the appropriate form:

This service ensures compliance with federal regulations, allowing business owners to focus on their core operations. Forms are filed either electronically through EFAST2 or by paper.

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Plans file the Form 5500 of Form 5500-SF electronically through a web-based system called EFAST2. These returns/reports are made available to the public. One-participant plans or foreign plans may file Form 5500-EZ Electronically on EFAST2 or on paper with the IRS. Form 5500-EZ returns are not made available to the public.

One participant plans (which cover only sole proprietors – whether incorporated or not — partners, and spouses, with total assets of $250,000 or less at the end of the plan year are exempt from the annual filing requirement. However, you must file a final return/report if you terminate the plan, regardless of the value of the plans’s assets.

Additional notes:

One-participant plans with assets under $250,000 at year-end are exempt from annual filing, but a final return is required in the event of a plan termination.

By partnering with IRA Club/Proxy Financial, businesses can confidently offer retirement plans, knowing the administrative and compliance aspects are in expert hands, fostering a secure financial future for both owners and employees.