Select Policy Group - IRA Club
IRA Club


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RELAX-We Have Your Retirement Covered

The Process

Three Simple Steps

User Account Request Form

Adult/Parent/Guardian Information

Click here to access the rollover guide

Open Hellosign to finish the application and submit signatures where necessary

Investment Benefits

Tax Advantaged Retirement Accounts

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Resource Center

man typing on a mac laptop

Why Self Direct?

A video resource for why self direct is the right choice.

paper question marks in speech bubbles


The most common Self Directed IRA questions.
mac phone with calculator open next to tax forms

Retirement Calculators

Save towards a financially secure retirement.

women outside sitting infront of laptop

Self Directing Guide

A quick resource to help you start building your wealth.

women outside sitting infront of laptop

IRA to IRA Transfer Form

This form provides the information for IRA Club to request funds from an IRA at another firm.

mac phone with calculator open next to tax forms

Contact Your 401k Administrator Guide

This form allows 401k funds to transfer to an IRA.

paper question marks in speech bubbles

Investment Directions Form

A guide for investment directions for secured loans

man typing on a mac laptop

Submit Investment Documents

Secure document upload.

webinars image


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SPG would be happy to answer any inquiry you might have about your financial affairs, becoming an agent, or any other questions.

IRA Club

Connect with IRA Club to learn more about personalized administrative services for a variety of tax advantaged plans such as Self Directed IRAs, HSAs, and Solo 401(k)s.

Looking to expand your IRA knowledge?

Access IRA Club Investor’s Kit!

Don’t forget to use promo code: SPG

IRA Club


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Disclaimer: IRA Club does not offer investment, tax, financial, or legal advice, nor do we endorse any products, investments, or companies that provide such advice and investments. All parties are strongly encouraged to perform their due diligence and consult with the appropriate professional(s) licensed in that area before entering any investment. Performing due diligence helps protect against fraud. If you received this e-mail in error, please notify us immediately by sending an e-mail or by calling.

Welcome IRA Club Savvy Investor! Get your first year free* with code SPG